Winter Sports

The winter sports are fun and a lifestyle for many. Downhill and especially Cross Country skiing are also great ways to exercise and stay fit during the cold weather and needless to say to get the adrenaline going.

We are proud to be working with Alpine and Nordic skis by great brands such as Rossignol, Fischer, and Dynastar. Moreover, we carry a good selection of top-quality Cross country and Alpine Boots by Fischer, Rossignol, and Lange. Plus, a huge stock of ski poles by Fischer, Rossignol, Swix, and Kerma.

For Nordic clothing, we have top-notch product lines by Swix, Daehlie, and Yoko that will cover your needs for warmth without sacrificing your comfort, freedom of movement, and style. For Alpine skiing, we have great quality helmets, goggles, and lenses by Sweet and Shred, plus very warm gloves by Reusch. For comfort and better fit, we carry exceptional products by Sidas, a leader in support of athletic footwear.

As it comes to downhill skis, nordic skis, and snowboard maintenance, waxing, and polishing, we carry industry-leading waxes, brushes, cleaners, and much more by Toko, Swix, and Optiwax.

Have fun skiing!